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Green was terminated by the NBA for 5 Games

Golden State' Draymond Green was terminated by the NBA for 5 Games because he grasped Minnesota' Rudy Gobert around the neck. 

His act was against the sportsman's spirit. 

He did this in a vicious manner.

People on the other side of the incident were not free from the fine. 

They were also fined by the league.

The happening began after McDaniels and Thompson got entagled with each other and they started grasping each other.

Issue became more worse when Gobert got entered into it. 

And after that green grasped Gobert by the neck.

Gobert was surprized and angry that why he was fined when he was the most tortured man in the incident.

From Basketball to Football and even in Cricket, there always remained a history of fights. 

Sometime, sports players act in an unprofessional way and start grabbing and grasping each other and start fighting. 

It is not an unusaual happening.

It almost happens in every game of sports.



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